Community Awareness
Campaign Design
Coming up with an idea is one thing, but seeing it take the next steps toward reality is another. This is exactly what the Celebrating Culture in Martin County was for its committee members. As of June 2021, this event took off when the creation of its own Facebook page and logo were created a few years ago as well as the budding idea that this event should happen for the local area. The idea was to bring together every culture that resides within Martin County, Minnesota and celebrate with one another as a whole community. With the help of its committee members, area businesses and sponsors, this idea became a reality through its social media, digital marketing and promotional outreach all provided by AdMfg, Inc.
Print Marketing
Social Media

The Celebrating Culture in Martin County Committee met once a week to provide insight on how to create an actual event that brings recognition to all the culture backgrounds that exist within Martin County as well as find ways to establish a secure source of funding, volunteers, and commitment to this promising event idea.
The Celebrating Culture in Martin County logo and Facebook page were created by AdMfg, Inc. The goal was to bring together meaningful attributes that are universal for all cultures. With its colorful visuals and inclusive meaning, the Celebrating Culture in Martin County logo was designed to showcase how each resident of Martin County is seen and is connected through an event like Celebrating Culture in Martin County.
With the help of the Facebook page, the Celebrating Culture in Martin County Committee sought out to ensure that marketing items, (fliers, handouts, coupons, banners, shirts etc.) were meeting the vast target audiences throughout the county that would bring an extra boost to the events visibility and attendance for the event to happen. Working with AdMfg on these various promotional venues, the Celebrating Culture in Martin County Committee were able to get the word out and positively receive a promising attendance the day of the event.

Through the digital marketing and promotional distribution of the events purpose, the Celebrating Culture in Martin County received an outstanding attendance that happened on June 26th on Downtown Plaza in Fairmont, Minnesota. The awareness and contributions through the various businesses, and means of social media and physical promotional items, Celebrating Culture in Martin County has a promising outlook toward the future with hosting this event as a potential annual event for the local community and the variety of people who live in it.

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